Moving a patient into an SUV is a challenge for many families because these vehicles have a higher floor-to-seat height than most vehicles.
Today we tested the EasyMove 2 stroller on a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, which represents an SUV with a seat height of 90 centimeters.
Test results
- The EasyMove2 stroller can rotate smoothly against the car seat, even at a height of up to 90 cm.
- Lifting and turning the cart is easy and does not require much force.
- Able to safely move patients from wheelchair to car seat

EasyMove2 is compatible with all types of vehicles, even tall SUVs, so families using these vehicles can rest assured that taking their patients out of the house will no longer be a hassle.
In addition, the height adjustment of up to 90 cm also ensures that EasyMove 2 can be used with almost every car model on the market, as most cars have a height from the floor to the seat of 50-80 cm.